FCF 12
Knit Pattern
Fashionclash 2012 takes place in last years location. Lifespan of fashion is seasonal - a new dress for the old Mosa factory is needed. One cannot show up in last years dress!
After some changes in the organisational layout due to new tenants in the factory the space for the expo has shrunk. Still the scale difference between space and object is the main challenge. By using an everyday material in a different way, this season’s intervention will give a surprising atmospheric effect turning the same space into a new world.
The haptic quality of textile creates a tangible contrast to the hardness of the buildings industrial lay-out. Though the 3D texture a specific situation for every piece is arranged. The new skin does weave space, construction and exhibits to a single whole.
By ‘dressing’ the building with sponsored material we need to be fearless of color to be able to produce zero waste. We trust in the power of creative spontaneity to make an impressive collage of form, space and color.
location: Mosa decor factory, Maastricht
kind: temporary fashion shows, exhibition
client: Fashionclash
team: Tim Prins, Nora Müller, Mark Proosten
assistance: Henk Prins
status: yearly renewal
photographs: Perry Schrijvers